Christ has died . Christ is risen . Christ will come again

The historic event of Christ's death in the 1st century AD might have just passed off as the unjust condemnation of an innocent man to many people but His resurrection the third day was unprecedented and pivotal in the salvation of mankind.

The Descent from the Cross
The Descent from the Cross
Engraving by 15th Century Italian painter Andrea Mantegna

This event was the significant milestone of God's plan to save mankind which He put into place soon after our first ancestors, the first two humans He had made viz Adam and Eve, chose the momentary pleasure of sin and brought on the death sentence of mankind and the condemnation of the whole world.

As with hereditary diseases, all of us without exception, inherit their sins and are therefore destined for destruction. In biblical parlance, the word 'death' has two connotations - physical and spiritual. After physical death, there is a spiritual death awaiting every sinner beyond the present realm and that means eternal torment in hell or the lake of fire. Unless our sins are pardoned and we are reconciled with God, that destiny is inevitable. It is indeed a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. No one should ever try to minimize the severity of sin and its dire consequences.

But, although God is just in demanding that our sins be punished, He is not willing that any of us should perish in that manner. Therefore, He sent His only son as the sacrificial lamb that will take away our sins. By His death and resurrection, Jesus Christ has now opened the way for us to be reconciled with His Father and our God. Christ has died on the behalf of our sins, taking the punishment due to us, and He is risen, from henceforth interceding with the Father as our advocate for our pardon. And He will come again, this time as Judge, to set everything right. That would be the day when the kingdom of this world shall be taken over by the kingdom of God and peace shall truly reign. And if Christ should come again in our lifetime, we would not even need to taste physical death here.

With such a great salvation offered to us on a platter, repent now. Renounce all your sins and resolve not to sin any more, bearing the fruits of repentance, and follow Christ for abundant life here and unspeakable joy in eternity. Repent, my friend, while you still can.  

Suggested reading:

The Orthodox Study Bible: Ancient Christianity Speaks to Today's World
This Is Our Faith: A Catholic Catechism for Adults
New Catholic Answer Bible: New American Bible Revised Edition (NABRE)
Catechism of the Catholic Church


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