If you are one of those who find themselves in a dilemma concerning their sexual orientation, there is actually hope.

Some researchers in the past had thought that they had discovered a genetic link with homosexual behaviour, only to be contradicted by others who could find no definitive link. Such never-ending conflicting opinions surely do not inspire confidence in these purportedly scientific studies, do they? But that did not stop some people from using those studies like gospel truths to manipulate public opinion for their own vested interests and agendas.

Where, then, could one find definitive answers to this dilemma?

I propose consulting a most trustworthy source, a collection of texts that was and is said to be of divine origin that had survived millennia of abuse and countless attempts to destroy it. The Holy Bible. Now, if that is going to turn you off, do reconsider. It really has the answers you are looking for, and if you reject it, you would be rejecting the only authoritative opinion that could ever resolve your dilemma. I hope that you are not one of those who hate and would not come to the Bible because they are afraid of disapproval. 

At this juncture, I would like you to know that this present note is not meant for anyone who is comfortable about and merely seeking justification for their homosexual confusion. I am taking the time and effort here to write only to those who are truly conflicted about their sexual orientation, i.e. who, deep down inside, are feeling terribly miserable and wondering why and how this could ever happen to them, and are therefore seeking answers that might deliver them from their misery. With this out of the way, let us now get down to business.

First, let us take a peek at its ancient background. Homosexuality is not strictly a modern concern. The Bible tells us that it existed since ancient civilization and at one time even earned God's wrath and forced His hand in destroying two whole cities (i.e. Sodom and Gomorrah). Homosexuality is viewed as an abominable error by God as it goes against His holy design. When He created our first ancestors, Adam and Eve, He made them man and woman, and not Adam and Adam or Eve and Eve. By the way, had it been Adam and Adam or Eve and Eve, procreation would not have been possible and the whole human race would not have existed and that would not have been the divine purpose. 

Next, we would want to know how and why homosexuality came about. The Bible (Romans 1:20-27) says that it was the rejection of and failure to accord God His proper place in spite of clear signs of His existence that compelled Him to give humanity up to homosexual and other errors. So there, the Bible has helped us pin down the root of homosexuality to moral error. This is crucial. Once the root of a problem is known, one is on the way to a solution. This certainly beats the milky conjecture that homosexuality is a genetic disorder/disease that is incurable.

Now, the solution to the homosexuality dilemma is in our sight. If moral error had brought homosexuality, would not the removal of that error remove homosexuality? This was what Jesus was recorded as saying in the Bible (Matthew 11:20,23), that if His mighty works that were done in the unbelieving cities in His days had been earlier done in Sodom, it would have turned from its error and been spared destruction. Healing then comes with repentance. It is a simple solution offered by the divine Author of the Bible. 

Therefore turn from your error, give God the glory due to His name and your homosexuality would dissipate, and, along with that, your dilemma.

Useful reads:

Christian Faith and Same Sex Attraction
An Introduction to God: Encountering the Divine in Orthodox Christianity
The historic event of Christ's death in the 1st century AD might have just passed off as the unjust condemnation of an innocent man to many people but His resurrection the third day was unprecedented and pivotal in the salvation of mankind.

The Descent from the Cross
The Descent from the Cross
Engraving by 15th Century Italian painter Andrea Mantegna

This event was the significant milestone of God's plan to save mankind which He put into place soon after our first ancestors, the first two humans He had made viz Adam and Eve, chose the momentary pleasure of sin and brought on the death sentence of mankind and the condemnation of the whole world.

As with hereditary diseases, all of us without exception, inherit their sins and are therefore destined for destruction. In biblical parlance, the word 'death' has two connotations - physical and spiritual. After physical death, there is a spiritual death awaiting every sinner beyond the present realm and that means eternal torment in hell or the lake of fire. Unless our sins are pardoned and we are reconciled with God, that destiny is inevitable. It is indeed a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. No one should ever try to minimize the severity of sin and its dire consequences.

But, although God is just in demanding that our sins be punished, He is not willing that any of us should perish in that manner. Therefore, He sent His only son as the sacrificial lamb that will take away our sins. By His death and resurrection, Jesus Christ has now opened the way for us to be reconciled with His Father and our God. Christ has died on the behalf of our sins, taking the punishment due to us, and He is risen, from henceforth interceding with the Father as our advocate for our pardon. And He will come again, this time as Judge, to set everything right. That would be the day when the kingdom of this world shall be taken over by the kingdom of God and peace shall truly reign. And if Christ should come again in our lifetime, we would not even need to taste physical death here.

With such a great salvation offered to us on a platter, repent now. Renounce all your sins and resolve not to sin any more, bearing the fruits of repentance, and follow Christ for abundant life here and unspeakable joy in eternity. Repent, my friend, while you still can.  

Suggested reading:

The Orthodox Study Bible: Ancient Christianity Speaks to Today's World
This Is Our Faith: A Catholic Catechism for Adults
New Catholic Answer Bible: New American Bible Revised Edition (NABRE)
Catechism of the Catholic Church

Jeremiah's words to a divided and backslidden church in the 7th Century BC were: "Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls." (Jer 6:16)

Today, Jeremiah's call is as clear as then. There are divisions or, in another word, schisms in the Church and their accompanying heresies (1 Cor 11:18,19). This call is addressed to those who consider themselves Protestant Christians, of which number I once was, but am now fully persuaded that the Protestants had actually in the 16th century torn themselves away from the Church. This separation from the Church, for which they were then rightly charged with the sin of schism, meant departing from the apostles' teachings and fellowship (Acts 2:41-43).

Michelangelo's painting of Jeremiah on
the Sistine Chapel ceiling

The Protestants at that time had formulated new doctrines and drawn away disciples after them (Acts 20:30), doctrines such as 'once-saved-always-saved', 'faith alone', 'scriptures alone', watered down liturgies and other teachings which were never embraced in the first sixteen centuries of the New Testament Church. Today, with the benefit of hind sight, there is little reason for not being able to tell heretical from orthodox teachings. The early church fathers had a fine way of fending off false teachings by appealing to antiquity and tradition. They simply followed the Apostle Paul's example (1 Cor 11:16), "We have no such custom."

A little fact that is mostly glossed over by Protestants is that Martin Luther, in order to cling to his favourite 'faith alone' philosophy, had denied that the Book of James and some other passages were part of the Bible since those spoke against his personal conviction. Then, the Church suffered tragic schisms at the hands of presumptuous reformers like him and their private interpretations of the scriptures (2 Pet 1:20). Actually, although doctrinal corruptions might have crept into the medieval church, all the early church doctrines and traditions were essentially intact.

Instead of throwing out the baby with the bath water, we ought to obey God to "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good" (1 Thess 5:21) "stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle" (2 Thess 2:15),  "let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering" (Heb 10:23),  and "that which ye have already hold fast till I come." (Rev 2:25)

In the days when our Lord was here in the flesh, there were also some groups that had separated from the religious authorities in Jerusalem. They, too, did not like the corrupted teachings and traditions that the Scribes and Pharisees were zealously promoting. But it was the Scribes and Pharisees, and not the separatists, whom our Lord had endorsed when He told His disciples, "The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat." (Matt 23:2) Likewise, although we may not like the corrupted doctrines and traditions that the successive bishops at Rome had introduced into the Church, they, nevertheless, sit in the apostles' seat. They still hold the teaching authority that was conferred on the first disciples, i.e. the apostles (Matt 28:18,19). So, whereas Moses' seat was occupied by the Scribes and Pharisees in the Old Testament Church, in the New Testament Church, whether we like it or not, the bishops sit in the apostles' seat. We need only heed our Lord's warning and beware of their "leaven". (Matt 16:6,11,12)

Be acquainted with the scriptures and early church history. The New Testament Church did not only come into existence in the 16th century. She was instituted in the first century by our Lord and had been endowed with a blessed doctrinal tradition, at least in the earlier part of her history. When the Protestants denied this tradition, they have denied themselves the only teaching authority that they could fall back on, and thus the resultant never ending schisms in their midst. This can never be emphasized enough: there is only one church as there is only one body of Christ (John 10:16). What our Lord has joined together, let no one put asunder. The early church was right in viewing schism as the equivalent of idolatry and apostasy - a very grave sin indeed.

This one Church, which the early church fathers referred to as the "one holy, catholic and apostolic church", may presently still be found in the Roman Catholic Church (including those who would prefer to drop the word "Roman"), the Orthodox Church and remnants of the Episcopal/Anglican Church. In general, where a church is presided by a bishop and adopting the old liturgy, that church is in all likelihood continuing in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship.

Jeremiah whom the Almighty God sent to speak, still speaks loudly today, "Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls." Would you, after hearing the call, answer as those who answered Jeremiah, "We will not walk therein"? But "it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." (Heb 10:31)

Suggested reading:

The Orthodox Study Bible: Ancient Christianity Speaks to Today's World
Reasons to Believe: How to Understand, Explain, and Defend the Catholic Faith
Dear Brother
In Defense of the One True Church to the Skeptics
The Catholic Verses: 95 Bible Passages That Confound Protestants